From the beginning ...

Located in Wülfrath, east of Duesseldorf, SCI is an experienced and recognized specialist in German and international telecommunications. Since 2005 we are focussed to be an innovative consulting-partner with experience and expertise in advisory and sales. Business Development activities for international companies are the main tasks.
People in power
Through a wide range of professional backgrounds and qualifications of all partners the right team of experts can be compiled for every customer requirement. Flexibility and experience form the basis for individual solutions to create a competitive advantage for customers and suppliers.
Particular national and international sales, marketing and purchasing activities distinguish the management. All administrative and managerial tasks of their organizations continue to stay with our customers and partners to maintain the "Best".
SCI - a whole by the sum of its parts.

Stephan Meintrup
Managing Partner
"The exciting thing about my job is getting to know new people and businesses and to network with each other. The result is intelligent cooperation of long-term value for all partners in all business areas."
Stephan Meintrup, born in 1967, studied economics and initially worked in the tourism industry. The liberalization of the telecommunications market at the end of the nineties created a new environment for a change into the industry in which he has worked since that time. He worked as a Sales Manager Global Account for MCI WorldCom (now Verizon) and subsequently as an officer and managing director for two TROPOLYS companies (now Versatel), where he also met Detlef Wientgen. Then he initiated SCI, contributing his expertise and network to the new company. Within SCI he is responsible for the development of new business activities. In 2009, he completed his MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree program successfully.
Stephan Meintrup is married and has 2 children.

Detlef Wientgen
Senior Partner
" I look forward to bring my many years of management and sales experience to the company and to use my therein acquired know-how for our customers profitably."
He knows his colleagues and partners in SCI for a long time and has worked with them before in other companies. In SCI, he is responsible for projects in the area of sales. These include building or restructuring of sales organizations, interim management incl. succession-appointments, as well as coaching of sales managers. Detlef Wientgen has been married for more than 35 years, has two grown daughters and two granddaughters. Besides his family, he enjoys spending time playing golf and reading and relaxing while taking photos.